Thursday, December 5, 2013

REPOST: Corporate reputation influences tax strategy

Corporate global tax planning and strategy are heavily influenced by its reputation.  This Forbes article explains why and how.  Read the article below: 

Perhaps it was the sight of some of the most well-known company CEOs testifying before Congress on the details of their global corporate tax strategies. Or, maybe it was the widely disputed Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on corporate tax rates that called out U.S. corporations for paying an average 13% tax rate in 2010. Whatever the specific impetus, the outcome is clear: reputation is increasingly becoming a factor that influences corporate tax strategy.

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We recently raised this topic to a panel of corporate tax experts representing some of the world’s largest accounting firms at our annual SYNERGY 2013 client conference and got some real-world insight into the challenges large companies are currently confronting when it comes to managing their global tax planning, a process heavily influenced by global supply chains and associated transfer pricing compliance. KPMG’s Rema Serafi explained:

“The transfer pricing environment is currently facing a perfect storm. Increased tax scrutiny combined with increased media attention around tax planning has magnified attention on transfer pricing. Interestingly, while there continues to be a focus on the pricing strategy, there is now increased focus on how pricing policies are implemented for accounting purposes. Stakeholders now include tax authorities, regulators, internal audit and  external auditors. Concern about getting the implementation right has moved from the tax department to the C- suite. CFOs, legal departments, risk controllers and those responsible for regulatory matters are now just as concerned about transfer pricing as tax departments. As such, companies are looking for more efficient ways to implement accurately by looking at technology solutions, among other things.”
She’s right. Governments and NGOs around the world, like the OECD, G20, UN and World Bank, are getting involved in the debate over global corporate tax strategies. Meanwhile, companies are facing increased tax complexity as they continue to expand in emerging markets and audits are on the rise. Add the fact that many established economies around the world have been running budget deficits since the recession and you start to see why, suddenly, just about everyone is interested in international taxes.
Hadley Leach, a partner with Ernst & Young LLP, cited the results of a recent survey her firm conducted¸ which found that 66% of companies identified “risk management” as their highest priority for transfer pricing, which was a 32% increase over surveys conducted in 2007 and 2010.  She added:

“There has definitely been a trend toward more conservatism among corporations on international tax strategy. We’re seeing a huge shift in perception around issues of reputational and audit risk and that’s really starting to affect how companies approach tax planning.”
It appears that evolving tax policies, including efforts by the OECD, are going to push harder to ensure that there’s substantive value creation assigned within countries where companies are reporting revenue, and therefore paying tax.
The clear consensus among all of the participants in our panel was that perception has become a serious factor driving corporate tax strategy. The current focus on international tax is rapidly becoming less about limiting tax exposure and more about limiting reputational risk exposure. As Serafi summed it up: “The optics matter.”
As companies continue to move in this direction, expect to see more collaboration between the tax department, finance, accounting and the CFO and more demand for company-wide synchronization of tax policy, global strategy and corporate message.

Isidor Hefter is a senior partner at Rosen Seymour Shapps Martin & Company LLP and specializes in tax planning for corporate and high-net-worth individuals.  Get more materials about tax planning by visiting this Facebook page.

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